Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday, 1st February 2009

Yeah!! It's that month again! The month full of LOVE... hehehe...

Today, as always, I went to church at 11 a.m.
Rabecca was the worship leader, Katya and Vidan was the singer, and Hilda Pelawi was the preacher ;).
And next week, Im gonna be super busy cause in the morning I'm gonna be the singer, and the afternoon, I'm gonna be the pianist in church... XO !!!

By the way, I just remember, that this week I will be working hard. Some of the work I have to finished befor next week comes :
- SIPUT next week edition
- Buletin Persekutuan Doa (February's edition)
- Kotak Doa (3 boxes!!)
Aarrrgghhh...!! I hope I don't mess it up or even forget about it... T_T
I will try my best to make it (not just use some of my old designs, hehehe...)

Oh, I almost forgot! I've just got my old computer back (these times I've been using my laptop :P). So...that means, I can convert YouTube videos into MP3 version!! Hahahaha...
But the programs are a bit slower than before, so it takes some time to download the video, then convert it into MP3...

Well, in a couple of hours I'm gonna go to the church to practice choir, and then maybe study Math for tommorow's test. hehehe...
That's all for today!! I don't want to blabber much today, coz I'm still tired from yesterday's party, and this slow download program really drives me nuts!! Hahahaha...

God Bless,

I pray so that :
- I could pass tommorow's Math test-
- I could give my best to finish all my work this week-
- God will give me strength and health to praise Him with my singing this week (Sunday, 8th February)-
- God bless my family-
- God bless Indonesia, and the people that lived in here-

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