Saturday, December 20, 2008

The reason that I ended up missing FK's bday bash T_T

Hello again! Gosh, today is a buy day! Not that I already busy with school's work or test all the time (biasalah, SMAK 5 >,<), but this time, I'm focusing all of my time and talents to serve God (and that's the most important, off course!!). Hmm.. let me rewind... Pagi2 gw bangun jm 8, langsung sarapan, mandi, n siap2 bwt ngedampingin bokap latihan drama dari jm 9... Gw sebenarny gak main drama, tapi gw juga bertanggung jawab bwt BG (background) music, serta menjaga timing yg tepat untuk memulai intro lagu paduan suara. Well, akhirnya gw kudu ngikutin latihan drama dr awal mpe akhir... Kt slese latihan kira2 jm 3 siang, trus langsung les biola (untuk menggantikan mgg kmaren pas sakit n gak masuk). Jam 4 gw balik ke rumah, ganti baju, trus ngebut bikin SIPUT (Seputar Informasi Remaja Kaput, semacam buletin mingguan remaja gereja gw) karena minggu ini giliran gw bikin... Karena jam 6 malam gw harus balik lg ke gereja bwt latihan paduan suara, terpaksalah gw pakai background serta setting dari SIPUT sebelumnya, agar menghemat waktu. Palingan gw ganti font-nya atau tata letaknya... Hhhh... Setelah itu buru2 mandi n pergi ke gereja... Latihan dimulai jam 7, setelah makan malam bersama (nyammm!!) sampai jam setengah 10 (wow!! the most tiring choir rehearsal I've ever had!!). Kami latihan begitu lama karena besok sudah gladi kotor, and we don't want to mess it up!! Kami sampai di rumah pukul 10 dan gw langsung connect ke internet to write this down! :) Pas bikin SIPUT tadi, gw sempet nyari2 artikel and I found this bible quote:

"apapun juga yang kamu perbuat, perbuatlah
dengan segenap hatimu seperti untuk Tuhan dan bukan untuk manusia"

(Kolose 3 : 23)
Wow! Gw seperti dikuatkan lagi, teman2... Apalagi pas tadi bwt SIPUT, gw nyadar, pas gw sudah menerima pekerjaan itu, gw harusny bertanggung jawab n komit ma tugas2 gw.. Tapi ternyata gw sangking sibukny ma perayaan Natal kmaren Jumat (19 Desember) n persiapan2 bwt drama Natal nanti (24 Desember) gw malah lupa am pekerjaan yg gw udah pegang...
Apalagi pas td gw ngerjain SIPUT (bisa dibilang) seadanya. Mungkin kasarnya : asal2an... T_T
Hhhhh... Gw merasa kecewa ma diri gw sendiri, seharusny gw yang udah diberikan talenta, kreativitas, yang bisa dibilang sgt banyak, tidak dapat menyalurkannya untuk Tuhan... :(

Mungkin ini juga bisa jadi pelajaran bwt temen2... Kapan terakhir kali kita memiliki semangat untuk melakukan pelayanan ? Sangking seringnya kita melakukan pelayanan, kita menjadi patah semangat dan mulai ogah2an... Semoga ayat alkitab ini bisa membangkitkan semangat kita lagi..!! Semangat melayani Dia seperti kita pertama kali mempersilahkan Dia masuk ke dalam hati kita :)

GBU, temen2 !!

P.S. : I wrote this at 12.08 in the evening, without my parents notice... hwhwhw...

Friday, December 19, 2008

FOCUS! (my youth group's xmas celebration)

Huaaaaa!!! Finally!! Two big events are finally over in one busy day!! :D
Setelah dilihat lagi ke belakang, ternyata latihan intensif sepanjang satu minggu lebih itu telah dilalui dengan banyak sekali pengorbanan! :)
Sudah beberapa kali aku menolak ajakan teman untuk nonton bareng Twilight (hikz.. T_T Sampai sekarang juga blom nonton...), dan yang pastinya sudah banyak sekali film atau acara TV yang aku lewatkan... But it was worth it!

Aku masih ingat waktu aku pertama kali mengikuti retret remaja pada tahun 2006, Kak Astri berbicara tentang pelayanan, dan apa sebenarnya yang kita dapatkan dari pelayanan..
Ketika kita pelayanan, kita sebenarnya tidak akan menyenangkan Tuhan...
It turns out that God's happiness is already filled by His creation (Kejadian 1 : 31).
Sebenarnya Tuhan sudah happy banget dengan ciptaan-Nya, sehingga Tuhan tidak membutuhkan kita untuk menyenangkan Dia. Actually, ketika kita pelayanan, kita sebenarnya mendapatkan sebagian dari kebahagiaan-Nya. Teman2 nyadar gak? Klo kita pelayanan, kita akan diberikan luapan sukacita yang luar biasa dari Tuhan. Mungkin hal ini terkadang tidak kita rasakan, terutama ketika kita sibuk dengan latihan2, rapat, persiapan, dan kegiatan. Tapi kalau kita sudah menyadari untuk siapa kita melayani, atau ada kerinduan dalam hati kita untuk bertemu dengan-Nya, maka ketika kita melakukan pelayanan itu, kita akan diberikan kekuatan serta perasaan sukacita dalam menjalankannya :).

This is not the first time that I felt this... Memang benar, tiap kali saya sudah selesai pelayanan, atau seringnya, ketika saya menyanyi atau mengiringi lagu di gereja, terkadang hati saya diisi oleh suatu kepuasan, kepuasan yang hanya didapat ketika saya sedang serius memuji nama-Nya..

Malam ini, sehabis pelayanan di acara natal gereja (dan finishes a solo of "Joy to the World" that I've done the first time in front of so many people without staring completely to the lyrics >,<), my heart was filled with joy! XD I've had so much fun singing bunch of songs of praise just for Him! And the best part is, I didn't get to do it alone, I've done it with help from my friends :). Aawww...

Okay, it's already eleven o'clock here, so I better go to sleep... My journey is not over yet! I still have one more christmas celebration to finish! >,<
Hmm... Itu berarti masih banyak sekali pengorbanan, teman2 yang kecewa (ooh btw, my dearest FK, if u're reading this, I'm sorry I can't make it to ur 17th bday celebration T_T), dan ekstra tenaga yang dibutuhkan!
Yosh! Ganbatte :D !!

Friday, December 12, 2008

The final exams are over!!! XD

Finally!!! Setelah 1 minggu penuh perjuangan melawan nafsu untuk memencet tombol TV n connect ke internet, ulangan umum selesai juga!!! Yay!! XD

Ulangan-q yg mungkin bermasalah adalah Sejarah n Matematika :P. Coz waktu itu ak sibuk latihan bwt Natal remaja n gereja umum, jadi bru blajar malem itu juga, hwhwhw...
Tp untung ulangan yg lain lancar, n beberapa ulangan harian spt BI n Sejarah gak remed, thx God!
Sadly, after the last test, my body is not very delicious :P. Ak langsung demam, pilek, n pusing2... T_T Mungkin gara2 tiap pulang skul kehujanan kali... :(

Huhuhu, the worst part is that I had to cancel my plans with my friend, terutama untuk nonton bareng... Well, better luck next time!

2morrow I'm gonna go to the movies with Sisi n Cindy >,<. Then I will have vocal group pratice, then I will bake some cookies with Meita! I know it's gonna be fun... :D

Well, in the mean time, I will accept all of the request in facebook n play metropolis, YoVille, n Party King!! Holiday has finally arrived! :D

*Song 4 today : I hate this part by the pussycat dolls...
No wonder this song can defeat David Archuleta's Crush on this week's mtv chart attack...
They have some cool moves and high-pitched voice! :)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hello guyz ! I just got home after I've been out for the whole day!!! >_<>
I woke up at 8 in the morning, then I have to took a shower, and me and my family just went off to a noodle shop to eat breakfast... After that, me and my father went to church to practice the play for this year's christmas. I have to go with him because I have to teach Catherine (the woman who plays Maria in d drama) to sing "Maria's Song" It's hard to sing it because nobody never heard the song (Duh! I made it just this month :P)... I have to stay until the half of the play finished, then my mom will pick me up to have lunch...
But when me, my mother, and my sister are eating, one of my friend from the youth group text me and told me to practice the songs that we will be singing in this Christmas Celebration on our Youth Group... >,<
So, I have to go back to the church (being half an hour early) to practice the songs on the youth's vocal group... I already tired that time, I even yawned several times XP... hehehe...
And then, my family asked me to go the mall because my mom will buy new glasses, and we should eat at the food court there... I got home at half past ten in the evening..My feets are sore, my eyes are tired, and I'm very sleepy... But I still have to rehearsed for tomorrow, because I'm gonna be a singer there... And there are lots of songs that I have to practice... Oh God, please give me strength... Coz I have to wake up tommorrow at 8 o'clock in the morning, ready to sing in front of the whole youth group...

I know I've been very bussy lately, but at least I know for who I've done it...
And I know that I have to cast my feelings aside and put Him in the number one place in my life :)
God Bless every1 !!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The winner of Cannes Film Festival 2008

Today is Sunday. as alway, my family and I go to church. Today, our choir group sung "Datanglah Tuhan" written by Sigolempong.
The preacher today told us about be thankful of what you have.
And she also said that it doesn't matter how gift we send or how big the money we give to other people, we know that God will bless it and it will become a precious gift to others.
The one thing that I found it very interesting is that she gave us a short video to watch, here it is :

I think this film will remind us that everything we gave to others, it doesn't matter how big or how expensive it is, as long as we gave it with our heart. :)

Another Story to be told...

I'm wrting this blog with English so my friends who doesn't know Indonesian language can also see this bog :)

Today, our choir (my dad's church choir, "Sentosa") is being invited to sing in a wedding.
We sang "She Wears my Ring" and "Great is Thy Faithfullnes medley with None Like You"
It was quite good, every 1 enjoyed it :D Yay !!

In the car, when me and my family were driving home, my mom told me a story about one of the women in our choir, her name is "Siska" (not a real name)...
Her husband already died, but that's not the main problem! The problem is that she can't sing, but she always memorizes the notes and the lyrics. Can u imagine how a woman that can't sing but wanted to recognized by memorizing all of the lyrics? She got all of the notes wrong, and her voice can't reach the high notes, so my father was always tough on her. When the choir learned a new song, he always need to put an extra energy to teach her how to read the notes and keep up with the tempo...
Then, my mother told us that we got a letter from her child in America. The letter also contain two pieces of book about how to be a great conducter and music theories.
In the letter, mrs. Siska's son wrote that he feels very guity about leaving his mother alone in Indonesia.
He said that everyday he possibly can he will keep in touch with her mother by phone. And mrs Siska always talks about the Sentosa choir that she joined in and how did she felt about the intimate circumstances there. She told her son that she feels very lucky to be accepted in the Sentosa choir group. And everytime she learned a new song, she will sing to her son on the phone... And she never complained about how my father looked down on her.

I guess, this letter is a message from God to teach my father that we should accept everyone in their own different way. By this letter, it snaps me back to the reality that everyone needed someone, or someplace that respect them, or care for them. And it tells my family that our choir group is gift to each and everyone on the team. In our choir group, there are some people that have many dark pasts and or secrets. There's an ex-drug user (that's right, I'm not kidding!), a widower, a muslim that turned in to christian. Even if they can't sing very well or in fact, can't sing at all, it's my father's job to keep us together in family that we called Sentosa :)

Do u ever realize how this story connected to our lifes ?
Have u ever have a fought with somebody and never get back together with him/her ?
Have u ever talked to a girl who always quiet, even when every 1 is busy chit-chating with every 1 else ?
Don't u think that it's our job to help them feel that they actually belong here, and there's a person that cares for them?
If you answer no to one or more questions above, maybe you should dig within urself.
And pray to God to give u a chance to care for some1 u always ignored and always alone...

God Bless Us... :)