Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday, 26th February 2009

Today was hilarous!!! except for the Math test, though.... the questions were a joke..zzz...

In the first break, Jason Octaviano Iteh (my original partner for Saturday's party) told Jovita that he couldn't make it on time for her party... T_T
I'm glad that she's not mad, after yesterday's incident (hmmm... u wouldn't want to know the story...). Well, that means we have to keep searching for Jason's place for Jovita's candle... :)

Then, I had to rush to the teacher's room to get Ms. Riona's permission to have a meeting about the Easter Service this April. Well, I want to held the meeting in the 6th until the 7th period, coz Raynaldi (the head of this event) can't make it on the 4th and the 5th period...
After that, I went down to the meeting room to booked it for the 6th until the 7th period, and Mr Mariono said that we can use it... So I was a little relieved... fiuhhh...

After the first break, we had 2 hours of studying Economics... Nooooo!!!! It was really hard to stay up.. Coz the wholed subject was booorriiingggg...zzzz...

So then I went upstairs to call Sarah from her class (X-5) to go to the meeting room...
But sadly, after I double checked the booking, Mr Mariono told me that we can't use the meeting room... T_T So we had to use one of the class to held the meeting...

Sadly, when I went upstairs (to the class), I got a call from Mrs Ramayana (our Indonesian teacher) to practice my group's jingle, coz she wants to take our score today... Huaaaa!!!

Okay2, from this point, I'm going to write in Indonesian, coz it won't be so funny if I wrote it in English... ^.^

Kelompok BI gw (Jovi, FK, n Kaka) bikin jingle untuk mempromosikan kacang "Kororo", begini lagunya : (nyanyikan dengan nada2 lagu Sergeant Keroro, dasar si Kaka, kbanyakan nonton Animax, hihihi.....)

Koro, koro, koro, koro, Korrrooooo...!!
Koro, Koro, Koro, kacang paling enak
Lembut, garing, dan renyah
Koro, Koro, Koro, kacang pilihan
Sehat bagi jantung anda...
Kacang Kororo, kacang nomor 1 !!!

well, lagu jingle kita emank masih normal, hihihi... Yang paling kocak sih, kelompok si Dennis, Marcel, dkk...

Lihat jingle mereka dhe :
(nyanyikan dengan nada lagu "Dia orang homo" ciptaan Dennis William. Pasti anak2 IPS yg seni musik tahu lagunya... hihihi...)

Ku minum SUTOT, susu untuk otot.
Ku minum SUTOT, susu untuk otot..
Ku minum SUTOT, susu untuk otot....
Ku minum SUTOT, susu untuk otot......

Reff :
Aku minum SUTOT, susu untuk otot!

Terus, ada tambahan scene lagi (mirip2 iklan L-Men)

Marcel : glek-glek-glek (pura2 minum...)

Dennis (nanya ke Marcel) : Itu susu ?

Marcel : bukan, ini SUTOT !!!

wakakakakak...!!!!!! Jelaslah klo sekelas langsung lompat2 dari kursi (karena gak tahan ktawa, XD)
Kemudian jingle punya Tenny, Seno, Ivan, dan Steven juga lumayan lucu... ^.^ :

Steven : anak pintar
Ivan : anak yg pernah gak naik kelas
Tenny dan Seno : background voice

Steven dan Ivan sedang mengerjakan tugas... Terlihat Steven lancar menulis jawaban, sedangkan Ivan tertidur pulas karena pasrah...

Seno : Ingin anak anda menjadi pintar? (menunjuk ke Steven)

Tenny : atau ingin anak anda mengulang satu tahun lagi? (menunjuk ke Ivan)

Steven (berdiri) : makanya, minum PILPIN!! Pil Pintar!!!

Bersamaan : (nyanyi jingle-nya) Minum Pilpin, anak pintar, mama juga senang!!!

hwa hwa hwa... Seluruh kelas juga agak geli ngeliatnya, apalagi karena mimik muka Ivan yg kelihatan bodoh dan pasrah, serta kenyataan bahwa ia pernah tinggal kelas juga membuat jingle mereka terlihat lucu XD...

well, that's it!! Selebihnya gw udah lupa ato gak terlalu lucu :)
After the second break, gw ma temen2 acara mulai rapat lagi, tapi kali ini di perpus, hehehe...

Gw perlu bersyukur ma Tuhan, karena draft kasar acaranya sudah selesai...
Gak enak diceritain disini, ntar ad anak SMAK 5 yg baca, jadi gak surprise dhee...hwhwhw...

Okay2... sekian hari ini...
Huaahhh... Capek juga nulisnya... Kebanyakan ktawa siy hari ini, hehehehe...

God Bless...

1 comment:

    gila. itu sii lucu banget loh mam..
    si dennis thu pasti kerjaannya..
    dsr sutot!
